blue titanic outtakes

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Originally posted February 27th, 2023.

Hello, and welcome to a bonus thread of blue Titanic screencaps I could not fit in my original post! Like James Cameron himself, I axed a lot of content and I think that’s a shame. SO!

This is still preferable to 3D, by the way.

The film opens with sepia-toned flashbacks to the ship’s departure, which are probably tied with the classic portrait sequence for the least blue parts of the movie. And to these flashbacks’ credit, my TV could not blue them. Entirely.

Some lucky son of a bitch out there watching on a purple TV is ecstatic about how normal this looks.

As for that iconic “I’m flying!” scene?

Rose’s coat was already blue, so now it’s just a gateway to another dimension.

And who could forget the haunting moment that follows, when the 1912 Titanic match fades into the 1996 wreck?

Those rust-eating bacteria are like, “EXCUSE US?”

Here are the lookouts who spot the iceberg, who I did not intend to screencap, but then I accidentally hit pause on THIS and simply could not resist.

In case anyone else felt instantly guilty for laughing, both of these guys survived the sinking! I checked!

Rose aboard the rescue ship Carpathia, looking up at the Statue of Liberty.

This is of course the famous moment where Rose realizes she still has the Heart of the Ocean — the blue diamond Cal gave her as an engagement present — in her pocket. Let’s see how blue that diamond is.

Pictured pre-sinking for emphasis.

In conclusion, still a better movie than Avatar.